Mesothelioma Help

Questions for your doctor about mesothelioma
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
  • Can you explain what mesothelioma is?
  • How would I know if I had mesothelioma?
  • I may have been exposed to asbestos at work. What should I do?
  • Can I be screened for mesothelioma?
  • Are my family at risk of mesothelioma if I have been exposed to asbestos?
  • What should they do?
  • What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?
Note: To print these questions, go to our printer friendly version using this link or the link at the top of the page. Then use the PRINT button at the top of your browser screen. If there is no PRINT button, there is advice on how to print on CancerHelp UK.
posted by Vick Template @ 1:52 PM  
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