Mesothelioma Help

Questions for your doctor about living with mesothelioma
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
  • How long will it take me to get over my treatment?
  • What precautions will I have to take while I am recovering?
  • What practical help is available?
  • Can I go back to work?
  • Can I take up my usual hobbies and sports again?
  • Can I go abroad on holiday?
  • Can I drink alcohol?
  • My partner and I would like to see a counsellor. Can you put us in touch with someone? How much will this cost?
  • Can you help me with claiming compensation for my illness from my former employers?
Note: To print these questions, go to our printer friendly version using this link or the link at the top of the page. Then use the PRINT button at the top of your browser screen. If there is no PRINT button, there is advice on how to print on CancerHelp UK।
posted by Vick Template @ 3:03 PM  
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